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- A bit of history -

Once upon a time there lived a Mr. Hao in the Zhongyuan area on the lower reaches of the Yellow River. One day he went on business to the state of Chu, located at the Yangtze River, and there he met an Old Man. They started up a conversation. The Old Man asked: “Where are you going to, countryman?”.
“I am going to the state of Chu.”
“I’m sorry, dear, but you will not be able to get there!”
“But why, honorable Old Man?! I have a dashing horse, and it can run very fast,” said the traveller.
“Well, you might have a dashing horse running very fast and yet you will not be able to get to the Chu state.”

“I have a sufficient sum of money. I am not pressed for spending!”
“The sufficient sum of money will be a little help...”
“You know what, I have a very skillful coachman and he drives perfectly!”
“Countryman, it is not about this: neither a good horse and tons of gold, nor a capable driver can help you. You have taken the wrong course. You should move to the South to get to the state of Chu, while you are traveling to the North for some reason!”

The story has it, that unfortunately, never realizing his error, Mr. Hao went on. And no matter how good his horse is, how much money he has and how skillful his driver is, he always gets farther from the state of Chu. Maybe only having walked around the world he can once reach his goal.

Professionalism is in consulting

        as we see it, it is not just pointing a private person or a company at their mistake. This is not enough. It is necessary to develop the right solution and to prove its consistency to the customer. We can talk this over, become clear about the essence of the matter, conduct preparations, study your business background or the background of your individual project in China, identify its major issues, set the goals, attract the necessary suppliers or contractors, lead you and your company in the right direction and reach the stipulated result together.

       You can get acquainted with our views and concepts, read about a number of projects successfully completed in China and rejoice in our success on the pages of this site as well as in some open sources. In the articles and the blog of this section “Resources” we gratefully and respectfully share with our readers the experience of our own long journey in China... 

           We thank all our readers for the interest to our company!


Now we`ll tell you why it is worth paying attention to our company:

  • Оптимальная программа консалтинга без навязывания вам лишних услуг
  • Предоставление комплекса услуг - от консультаций до отгрузки продукции
  • Размещение производства или закупка товаров из Китая без посредников
  • Проверенная годами работы база поставщиков в разных сферах бизнеса
  • Прозрачная ценовая политика с оплатой за оговоренный результат
  • Максимальная открытость для клиента, внимание к мелочам и деталям

Компания отмечает профессиональный юбилей - в 2019-м году исполняется 30 лет с того дня, как мы начали свой путь в бизнесе с Китаем.

Стаж в бизнесе с Китаем 25 лет Наш опыт - гарантия Вашего успеха!

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